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We preform first-principle calculations for the geometric, electronic structures and optical properties of SiC nanowires (NWs). The dielectric functions dominated by electronic interband transitions are investigated in terms of the calculated optical response functions. The calculated results reveal that the SiC NW is an indirect band-gap semiconductor material except at a minimum SiC NW (n = 12) diameter, showing that the NW (n = 12) is metallic. Charge density indicates that the Si–C bond of SiC NW has mixed ionic and covalent characteristics: the covalent character is stronger than the ionic character, and shows strong s–p hybrid orbit characteristics. Moreover, the band gap increases as the SiC NW diameter increases. This shows a significant quantum size and surface effect. The optical properties indicate that the obvious dielectric absorption peaks shift towards the high energy, and that there is a blue shift phenomenon in the ultraviolet region. These results show that SiC NW is a promising optoelectronic material for the potential applications in ultraviolet photoelectron devices.
Silicon carbide (SiC) is one of the better known IV–IV wide band gap semiconductor materials due to its unique properties. It is interesting and well known for its high temperature, large power, high frequency, resistance to radiation, short luminescent wavelength, and usage in optical electronic integrated devices.[1–7] When compared with similar semiconductor materials, SiC also has a high chemical stability, high electron saturation velocity, large critical breakdown of electric field, low thermal expansion coefficient, high heat conductivity, super high radio resistance, and several other advantages.[8,9] Presently, SiC NWs are receiving a great deal of attention due to the rapid development of poly-type materials, such as SiC nanotubes, nanoclusters, and nanorods.[10–12] This is because SiC is a low-dimensional nano-material that has a higher length-to-diameter ratio and higher surface area. It shows different properties in its bulk form in the fields of photology, electrology, thermology, and magnetics. Another reason for the considerable interest in SiC NWs is their unique structural, mechanical, electronic, magnetic, and optical characteristics. Many research groups have made significant efforts to synthesize the SiC NWs. Shi et al.[13] adopted a method in which a laser is used to ablate a SiC target material at a high temperature of 900 °. Their results showed that the NWs were evenly distributed with a uniform configuration and superior photoelectric properties. Cheng et al.[5] prepared SiC nano-materials by using the gas–liquid–solid method. Apparent quantum size and surface effects were revealed. Zhou et al.[14] used an electro-spinning technique to prepare SiC nanosticks by using rare-earth metals as a catalyst. The results indicated that the threshold electric field was 8 V/m. Huang et al.[15] reported a graphene/SiC-based self-powered UV photodetector that exhibits a photocurrent responsivity of 7.4 mA/W. Yu et al.[16] prepared SiC NWs by mechanical mixing, the results indicated that the average thermal conductivity of suspensions with SiC NWs is greatly improved. In addition, β-SiC NWs are the potential photoelectric materials and show great diverse applications for the next generation of devices in the fields of optical, energy area, biomedical engineering, nanoelectronics, and microelectronics. Liu et al.[17] synthesized β-SiC NWs via a facile chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method at 1300 °C, the product showed a narrow diameter of about 50 nm, was highly curved and had good flexibility with the catalyst. Dai et al.[18] prepared β-SiC NWs via a simple CVD method with using Si/SiO2 powders at 1460 °C. Liu et al.[19] synthesized SiC NWs by using low pressure chemical vapor infiltration (LPCVI) in a porous graphite substrate without using a catalyst. The results indicated that SiC nanowires were β-SiC that grew in clusters and were curved.
To date, most of SiC material studies have focused on experimental preparation without in-depth discussion on the internal mechanism regarding structures and properties. As a result, there are many unanswered questions requiring more in-depth study of the structure and properties of SiC nanomaterials. In this paper, we directly address these issues in order to provide a theoretical basis for experimental preparation of high-quality low-dimensional SiC nanomaterials.
The NW model is developed from a SiC wurtzite crystal structure. In order to build different-diameter SiC NWs, the SiC wurtzite crystal atoms are cut along six external NW layer surfaces as shown in Fig.
First-principle calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT)[20] with a plane wave pseudo-potential[21] basis are performed by using the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP).[20,22] The detailed parameter settings are shown as follows. Pseudo potential is described by using the pseudo potential of projector augmented waves (PAW).[23] The wave function is optimized by the conjugate gradient method. Exchange–correlation potential is considered as the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA)[24] in the form of Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof.[25] The chosen valence-electron configurations for atoms are Si-3s23p2 and C-2s22p2, respectively. The cutoff energy of the plane wave is set to be 360 eV. The maximum root-mean-square convergent tolerance is less than 1 × 10−6 eV. The maximal displacement convergence is 1 × 10−4 nm, and internal stress is less than 0.1 GPa. The Brillouin zone integration is approximated by using the special K-points sampling scheme of Monkhorst Pack and 1 × 1 × 32 k-point grids are used.
In the linear response range, the optical response function is generally described by a dielectric function
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According to the definitions of direct transition and joint density of states between the conductions and valence bands, we can deduce that an imaginary part and a real part of the dielectric function are as follows:[26]
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Initially, we optimize the atomic structure of periodic one-dimensional (1D) SiC NWs. As shown in Figs.
As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. Energy band structures of SiC NWs for different values of the atomic number of (a) n = 12, (b) n = 26, (c) n = 48, (d) n = 108, (e) n = 192. |
To further investigate the SiC NW properties, we calculate the projected electronic density of states (PDOS). From Fig.
In Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) Plots of electron density of SiC NWs along the [0001] direction for the cases of n = 108 and 192. |
The imaginary and real parts of the dielectric constant of SiC NWs with different diameters are shown in Figs.
In summary, the first-principles calculations of SiC NWs and the geometric and band structures are carried out, and the DOS, charge density, and optical properties are analyzed. Our results show that the external Si and C atoms experience a dramatic relaxation, causing an increase of the NW specific surface area. This increase is larger than that of bulk SiC due to the quantum size effect and surface effect. The SiC NWs are an indirect band gap semiconductor and the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band exhibit large dispersivity and localization features, respectively, and the chemical bonds of SiC NWs are formed by the overlap of s–p hybridized orbitals. The optical properties reveal that the dielectric peaks in the low energy region move towards higher energy and indicate that the absorption edge has an obvious blue shift with the increase of SiC NW size. The dielectric peak is closer to the ultraviolet range. The calculated results indicate that the SiC NW is a superior type of ultraviolet photoelectron material.
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